Why Not to Use your Bank for your Credit Card Processing
You know, a lot of businesses especially new businesses feel obligated or even stuck using their bank for their credit card processing needs. This could be a very costly mistake and can actually cost you more than 25% on your fees for credit card processing. So let’s take a look at the first three of four main reasons why not to use your bank for your credit card processing needs.
· Cost you on average 25% more than a reputable merchant services provider (like schmooze inc.). Most banks do not do their own credit card processing. They outsource them which in return makes their rates a lot less flexible.
2. More Upfront Fees Owed
· An application and/or programing fee’s to get your account setup and equipment programmed are the most common upfront costs associated with getting a credit card processing account through a bank.
· Banks are acting like a reseller of a reseller, so the costs to purchase equipment are much higher.
· There is a myth that if you choose your bank for your credit card processing, they can provide you the same level of service for your credit card processing, as they do for your banking needs. This cannot be further from the truth! Just as it was mentioned above, Banks outsource their credit card processing which in return, means the customer service and technical support also is routed to that processor the bank uses.